I've been pregnant for 39 weeks and he finally decided to bless our family on August 8, 2008! How's that for timing! He was born at 9:20p.m., weighed 7lbs. 15oz. and was 21 inches long. And boy do I stress long! His fingers are longer than any of my other children and let me just tell you his toes are like a second set of fingers! Everyone here says he'll be a good coconut tree climber. He's very sweet, likes to look around, and his brother and sisters can't keep there hands off of him! Especially Keely. She has to help with everything from changing diapers to smuthering him with kisses, and just needs to be by him every minute of the day. Some day she'll make a good mother and will know the stress she has caused me :) He he he! Enjoy the pictures, and there will be more posts to follow!
Here are just a couple of his visitors!
Cousin Keoni
Aunty Kapua